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The Easiest Way to Get Rid of Age Spots? Try These Tips.

The Easiest Way to Get Rid of Age Spots? Try These Tips.

You may not be aware of it, but there’s actually a growing number of small dark blotches that appear on your skin each passing year. These are called age spots: a normal body reaction to sun exposure through time. 

Most often, these spots crop up when you hit your 50s. However, people who spend most of their time outdoors, exposed to sun, is prone to getting unwanted spots at a younger age. 

If you find it uncomfortable, there’s a number of ways you can do to get rid of it. Below are some useful tips that can help you solve your problem: 


Home Remedies for Age Spots

  1. Topical medicated creams 

Topical medicated creams can be a great help in controlling or combatting the early appearance of age spots. However, you will need to get a doctor prescription for you to avail these creams. Here are some of the most prescribed creams:

  • Mild steroids
  • Bleaching creams (hydroquinone)
  • Acne creams (retinoids)
  • Kojic acid
  • Glycolic acid

These types of medications help fade discolored skin in months. It is an important reminder always to apply the right sunscreen, especially if you’re using one or more of these treatments. Doing so will help prevent further sun damage. 

However, you should take extra precautions when using prescribed topical creams. This is because some of them are potent to the skin, which may cause some unwanted side effects. This includes burning sensation, redness, itching, and dryness. But, these are all temporary. 

  1. Makeup

This one may not be a permanent solution, but makeup is an excellent cover-up to give you an instant result. There are specifically-designed concealers that can hide all your skin imperfections in no time. Just look for the right shade for your skin tone. 


  1. Intense Pulsed Light

If you want an immediate remedy for your age spots, IPL is the one you can count on. Though the results are not instantly visible, you can be sure to enjoy long-lasting effects. 


IPL is a light-based therapy – not a laser. It works by destroying the melanin-making cells. It is a precise procedure that only focuses on its targets and does not affect the surrounding tissues.


IPL treatments are not only available on derma clinics. As of today, we are now offered with at-home devices that deliver the same results. However, it is still important to determine whether you’re an ideal candidate or not. This is because IPL may not work for every skin tone. Typically, those with lighter skin tone are the best candidates for the treatment. 


After the treatment, still, you need to apply protective sunscreen to help reduce the risks of sun-damaged skin. 


Preventing Age Spots

Since the sun is the number one factor for aging skin, it would be better to avoid prolonged sun exposure. If there are instances where you need to stay outdoors, make sure to wear protective clothing, and never forget your sunscreen. And for goodness sake, avoid self-tanning and tanning beds. As much as possible, avoid exposing yourself to harmful UV rays. 





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  • Princess Marasigan
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