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Laser Hair Removal vs. IPL Treatment: Which is More Effective?

Laser Hair Removal vs. IPL Treatment: Which is More Effective?

Laser Hair Removal vs. IPL Treatment: Which is More Effective?

Women’s in today’s generation shave their body hair on their underarms, legs, and vaginas to meet the expectations of society. However, shaving, tweezing, or waxing hairs have several disadvantages including skin irritation and appearance of ingrown hairs. Thus, they gear towards laser hair removal treatments and IPL procedures to minimize the side effects of traditional hair removal. However, which one is more cost-effective and efficient? We have prepared a simple list of pros and cons to help you out.

What is Laser Treatment?

With the standards of society in women and even men, laser hair removal treatment is the common aesthetic procedure in the industry today. Laser Hair Removal procedure treats a larger area of the body, however, it comes with minimal discomfort. Most patients need regular treatment to free themselves from unwanted hair for several months. When the hair regrows, the reduction of hair count and change in texture and color are noticeable.


  • Since the technology used is more specific at targeting individual hairs, laser hair removal treatment offers permanent reduction after a few treatments, depending on the consistency.
  • The intense and high-concentrated light eliminates the risk of stubborn ingrown hairs which are often caused by shaving and infection.
  • The procedure which is highly recommended to be performed by a medical professional is fast and precise.
  • It is highly recommended for patients with darker skin.


  • It is not best suited for patients with thin or light hair.
  • The laser technology can be costly, depending on the patient’s needs and hair condition.
  • Since the light targets a particular area all at once, patients are at risk of bruising, irritation, and the burning sensation is out of the equation.

What is IPL Treatment?

IPL or Intense Pulsed Light has been an in-demand treatment not only for spider veins and hyperpigmentation but also for hair removal treatment. It is a kind of light therapy that emits short blasts of high-intensity and a broad spectrum of wavelengths that scatter within the skin and eliminate body hairs. During an IPL treatment, the light emitted penetrated deep within the skin which targets melanin and leaves the surrounding tissue untouched. Once the light reaches the hair follicle, the light energy converts into heat which destroys the root of the hair.


  • IPL treatment does not concentrate on one area, so it does not burn the skin. It does not require any topical or general anesthesia and incisions and stitches.
  • Due to its low-level emission of light, IPL hair removal method does not endanger any of the tissue layers of the skin in or around the treatment area. The risk of bruising, irritation and the burning sensation is minuscule.
  • Since IPL hair removal treatment can target a larger area than laser, fewer sessions are needed to achieve the desired goal.
  • The technology for IPL is simpler compared to laser, and various manufacturers have released advanced IPL hair removal machines. There are plenty of FDA approved systems and users can perform hair removal treatment anytime and anywhere.
  • The procedure is less painful than laser treatment, and it does not take much time making it perfect for people on the rush.


  • Usually, it’s more affordable than laser treatment; however, it can get expensive depending on a variety of factors concerning hair growth.
  • It is not highly recommended on patients with light or gray hairs.

The Verdict

There is no doubt that the two light-based systems can aid you when it comes to your hair removal problems. Both emit intense light energy that destroys the hair follicles and eventually stop its growth. However, as always, users have to think first of their safety above everything else. On that note, most medical professionals agree that IPL hair removal system is safer than laser as the multiple wavelengths are scattered on the skin, eliminating the possibility of over damaged tissues that surround the hair follicle.

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  • Princess Marasigan
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