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Blog — IPL

IPL: How does it Work for Skin Rejuvenation?

IPL: How does it Work for Skin Rejuvenation? 0

These days, more and more people are getting conscious about the way they look. I’m not sure if this is because of the emergence of body shaming, or people just want to maintain good looks for self-satisfaction.  But whatever the reason may be, it is pretty essential to remember that everything that appears on the outside is a reflection of what’s on the inside. 
What To Do After IPL Hair Removal Treatment?

What To Do After IPL Hair Removal Treatment? 0

When it comes to hair removal, IPL is something you can rely on. For years, it has established its name in terms of safety and effectiveness. This new technology has filled the hopes of the people who are suffering from unwanted hair growth. Through the help of this light-based treatment, many lives have changed.
What is the Difference between IPL and Electrolysis Hair Removal?

What is the Difference between IPL and Electrolysis Hair Removal? 0

Many people are becoming fascinated with smooth and hair-free bodies. There are countless of times that individuals search for an effective way in removing all those unwanted hairs, and they always end up getting the same result. Shaving and waxing have been the most common method in resolving this ‘hairy’ issue.
Is IPL Effective in Combating Acne?

Is IPL Effective in Combating Acne? 0

Acne breakout is the worst nightmare everyone could have. Though we are doing our best jobs to keep our skin healthy, it is still a mystery why these bumps continue to appear after everything. 
The Benefits of IPL Hair Removal

The Benefits of IPL Hair Removal 0

When it comes to hair removal, IPL treatment is the one you can count on. Over the years, it has proven its effectiveness through a number of successful cases. 
The Real Difference Between IPL and Laser Hair Removal

The Real Difference Between IPL and Laser Hair Removal 0

Finally, after long tiring years with shaving and waxing, you’ve finally decided to upgrade your hair removal method. But now, your struggle is picking which treatment is better: IPL or Laser?